
Shadow tactics switch
Shadow tactics switch

Use it to pick up bodies or use levers, as well as doors and rope hooks, the latter two actions are the default ones (this can be changed in the options).

shadow tactics switch

T - special action for Takuma's animal companion (howling) There is no limit to the number of enemies marked this way.ĪSDFG - select ability (common to all characters) This method works on many enemy soldiers. If the field of view of the enemy doesn't cover this spot, the line and the highlight will disappear. A dotted line will be created between a given enemy and this marking. If an enemy looks at that spot, they will be marked. Clicking and holding the button on a spot on the ground or any other point creates an "eye" marker. Clicking RMB on enemy will show his field of view. Holding RMB will allow you to select several characters. setting up a trap), cancel move orders, select a character. Right mouse button - cancel any action before it is executed (you cannot cancel actions that have already started, i.e. Left mouse button - move your character to the chosen spot (doubleclick - run), choose the spot to execute an action or interact (climb ladder or enter a building) Using the mouse is not advisable, unless you're playing on the lowest difficulty level, as a great deal of things will require you to react quickly and swiftly switch between characters. The general key layout looks almost as if you were playing an action game or a shooter. I'd recommend you leave them as they are, except maybe two or three of them, more on which later. With that said, the default key shortcuts provided by the developers do their job pretty good.


The game allows for full key customization of nearly all actions.

shadow tactics switch

Mission journal has several tabs, including, in turn: mission info (your objectives), hints (tips provided by the game for more difficult objectives), conversation backlog (including all conversations, taking place both in game and in the cutscenes), tutorial (the info you find on the scrolls during each mission), badges (challenges you can, will or will not complete they appear once you've completed the mission on any difficulty level) Hotkeys You can also hover the cursor over a character's portrait to get a short summary of their abilities, in case you forgot (whether they can swim, move bodies, etc.)

  • A complete list of your agents for the mission, along with their health bars.
  • On the left there's the toggle stance button, and the interaction key (for example, use a lever or pick up a body)
  • Action panel of your active character.
  • shadow tactics switch

    Here's where you'll find the minimap, the buttons allowing you to change view, the journal shortcuts, as well as option to highlight enemies and interactive elements on the map.Map, showing you the positions of your men, enemies and objectives.Timer, showing you exactly how much time has passed since you've saved your game, no matter if it was a quick or a hard save (the timer can be disabled).Main menu, quick save and quick load options.Description of the shadow mode can be found in later chapters, as this element is closely related to gameplay. You'll get used to all of its elements in no time. The game's interface is very simple and intuitive.

    Shadow tactics switch